Saturday, February 20, 2010

Learning Journal Three

It is the morning after my second play for the class, so I thought this would be a good time to reflect on what I have learned as of late. Since my last post, I have read the script for "Problem Child" and "Frost/Nixon" and completed my work for the "Problem Child" Task Force, and last night I went out to see the play in UNB's Memorial Hall. I found with this play, I enjoyed seeing the play more than I enjoyed reading the script. About half of the actors were amazing, and more than made up for the average performance made by the other two characters. The role of RJ was so well done. It was really nice to be back at the theater.

Some of the technical concerns that I had were all but dismissed during the production; I always find myself being picky over things like- how will the director handle blood/violence/guns- and I was pleasantly surprised last night. The shot from the gun scared the hell out of me. Its funny how you forget that certain things are going to happen in a play; maybe thats how I know it was a good production- because I forgot a few details about the play, and they really ended up surprising me. After seeing the play- I feel a bit more sympathetic for Helen- and a little less sympathetic for Denise- I think her character could have been portrayed as being more troubled- and less teenage-anxty. (Excuse the neologism)

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