Sunday, February 7, 2010

Learning Journal 2

It has been a crazy week- it is that time of the year, crunch time, where mid-terms and essays are well on their way, and my stress levels are reaching a critical mass. For The Page & The Stage this week, I read "Problem Child" and started work on the Wiki. I don't think that the research is due this week, but I checked the wiki, and information had been posted, so I figured I should join in as well.

I am really looking forward to seeing "Problem Child" preformed, it was great to read, and it (like Life Without Instruction) poses some difficulties for the actors and the director. The play includes some technical tricks like someone cutting their hand and bleeding onto the stage- It seems likely that they will leave it to the viewers imagination, but I always like it when they go the extra mile in the way of little things. For example, I really enjoyed that the paintings in "Life Without Instruction" were shown to the audience, it was a great touch- I am assuming that what the audience saw was a printed version of the images- placed onto a canvas- the result was really nice. I think it had more effect on myself than it would have on someone who did not read the play before hand; because I was forced to question the difficulties that could arise in producing the play. Anyways, I should get back to work.

Ciao for now.

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